Take Fact

Taking a fact from an agent, arvo or whatever is easy. First you subscribe using watch:strandio or watch-our:strandio, then you use take-fact:strandio to receive the fact. Here's an example that takes an update from graph-store and prints the message to the dojo:

/- spider
/+ *strandio, *graph-store
=, strand=strand:spider
++ take-update
=/ m (strand ,~)
^- form:m
;< =cage bind:m (take-fact /graph-store)
=/ =update !< update q.cage
?. ?=(%add-nodes -.q.update)
(pure:m ~)
=/ nodes=(list [=index =node]) ~(tap by nodes.q.update)
?~ nodes
(pure:m ~)
=/ contents=(list content) contents.post.node.i.nodes
?~ contents
(pure:m ~)
?. ?=(%text -.i.contents)
(pure:m ~)
=/ msg (trip text.i.contents)
%- (slog leaf+msg ~)
(pure:m ~)
^- thread:spider
|= arg=vase
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< ~ bind:m (watch-our /graph-store %graph-store /updates)
;< ~ bind:m take-update
(pure:m !>(~))

Create a chat on your fake zod if you don't have one already, then save the thread in /ted on the %base desk, |commit %base, and run -print-msg. Next, type some message in your chat and you'll see it printed in the dojo.


First we call watch-our to subscribe:

;< ~ bind:m (watch-our /graph-store %graph-store /updates)

We've spun the next part out into its own core, but it's just a take-fact to receive the update:

;< =cage bind:m (take-fact /graph-store)

The rest of the code is just to pull the message out of the complicate data structure returned by graph-store and isn't important.

Spider will automatically leave the subscription once the thread finishes.

Note that take-fact only takes a single fact, so you'd need one for each message you're expecting. Alternatively you can use main-loop to take an arbitrary number of facts.