Poke Agent

Here's a thread that lets you post a message to a chat in graph-store:


/- spider
/+ *strandio, *graph-store, *resource
=, strand=strand:spider
++ make-post
|= [our=ship now=@da res=resource msg=@t]
^- cage
=/ =post *post
=: author.post our
index.post ~[now]
time-sent.post now
contents.post ~[[%text msg]]
:- %graph-update
!> ^- update
:+ %0 now
:+ %add-nodes res
%- ~(gas by *(map index node))
~[[~[now] [post ~[%empty]]]]
^- thread:spider
|= arg=vase
=/ m (strand ,vase)
=/ uarg !< (unit (pair resource @t)) arg
?~ uarg
(strand-fail %no-arg ~)
=/ res p.u.uarg
=/ msg q.u.uarg
^- form:m
;< our=@p bind:m get-our
;< now=@da bind:m get-time
;< ~ bind:m (poke [our %graph-push-hook] (make-post our now res msg))
(pure:m !>(~))

Save it in /ted of the %base desk, |commit %base, and run it like:

-post-msg [~zod %foo-9955] 'some message'

(obviously change the channel name to whatever you have)


Pretty simple, just use on-poke with an argument of [ship term] cage where term is the agent and cage is whatever the particular agent expects.