4n: Virtualization


Nock subject to unit

Accepts a nock subject-formula cell and wraps it into a unit. fol is pure nock, meaning that nock 11 operations result in a block, producing a ~.


sub is a subject noun.

fol is a formula noun, which is generally a nock.


The unit of a noun.


++ mack
|= [sub=* fol=*]
^- (unit)
=/ ton (mink [sub fol] |~(^ ~))
?.(?=(%0 -.ton) ~ `product.ton)


> (mack [[1 2 3] [0 1]])
[~ [1 2 3]]
> (mack [41 4 0 1])
[~ 42]
> (mack [4 0 4])
> (mack [[[0 2] [1 3]] 4 4 4 4 0 5])
[~ 6]
> ;;((unit @tas) (mack [[1 %yes %no] 6 [0 2] [0 6] 0 7]))
[~ %no]


Mock interpreter

Bottom-level mock (virtual nock) interpreter. Produces a tone, a nock computation result. If nock 12 is invoked, scry computes on the subject and produces a (unit (unit)) result. An empty result becomes a %1 tone, indicating a block.

The Nock specification defines 12 operations 0-11, plus an autocons operation. However, every practical Nock interpreter implements a 13th operation, "Nock 12." This "nock" operation is the compilation target for the .^ (dotket) rune in Hoon.

+mink is described as a "Mock" interpreter. Mock is just Nock extended with Nock 12. In order to interpret opcode 12, +mink takes as an argument, in addition to the subject and formula, a gate which will be invoked with the results of the subformulas of 12 as a sample. The result of executing this gate (not as interpreted by +mink but by whichever interpreter is running +mink) are then treated as the result of the Nock 12 operation.

This is the manner in which Urbit's namespace is implemented. Applications with access to the scry namespace are run within +mink, and the gate simply computes the scry namespace.

Since +mink is a Nock (Mock) interpreter written in Nock, it can report when a Nock computation crashes deterministically (i.e. when the specification requires a crash). This provides a way to handle errors in applications without needing to depend on the runtime to re-inject the error as a new event.

Note that the gate is expected to return a result of type (unit (unit)). A null value for the outer unit means "blocked": +mink will report that data required by a 12 was not available. A null value for the inner unit ([~ ~]) means that the requested read will never be available and +mink will instead report that the computation crashed in the same manner as any other crashing Nock computation.

+mink is jetted by practical Nock interpreters. The jet is just the interpreter itself. This provides zero-cost virtualization of Nock or Mock computation as a Hoon standard library function.


subject is the subject as a noun.

formula is the formula as a noun.

scry is an %iron gate invoked with nock operator 12.


A tone.


++ mink !.
~/ %mink
|= $: [subject=* formula=*]
scry=$-(^ (unit (unit)))
=| trace=(list [@ta *])
|^ ^- tone
?+ formula [%2 trace]
[^ *]
=/ head $(formula -.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.head) head
=/ tail $(formula +.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.tail) tail
[%0 product.head product.tail]
[%0 axis=@]
=/ part (frag axis.formula subject)
?~ part [%2 trace]
[%0 u.part]
[%1 constant=*]
[%0 constant.formula]
[%2 subject=* formula=*]
=/ subject $(formula subject.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.subject) subject
=/ formula $(formula formula.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.formula) formula
%= $
subject product.subject
formula product.formula
[%3 argument=*]
=/ argument $(formula argument.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.argument) argument
[%0 .?(product.argument)]
[%4 argument=*]
=/ argument $(formula argument.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.argument) argument
?^ product.argument [%2 trace]
[%0 .+(product.argument)]
[%5 a=* b=*]
=/ a $(formula a.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.a) a
=/ b $(formula b.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.b) b
[%0 =(product.a product.b)]
[%6 test=* yes=* no=*]
=/ result $(formula test.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.result) result
?+ product.result
[%2 trace]
%& $(formula yes.formula)
%| $(formula no.formula)
[%7 subject=* next=*]
=/ subject $(formula subject.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.subject) subject
%= $
subject product.subject
formula next.formula
[%8 head=* next=*]
=/ head $(formula head.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.head) head
%= $
subject [product.head subject]
formula next.formula
[%9 axis=@ core=*]
=/ core $(formula core.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.core) core
=/ arm (frag axis.formula product.core)
?~ arm [%2 trace]
%= $
subject product.core
formula u.arm
[%10 [axis=@ value=*] target=*]
?: =(0 axis.formula) [%2 trace]
=/ target $(formula target.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.target) target
=/ value $(formula value.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.value) value
=/ mutant=(unit *)
(edit axis.formula product.target product.value)
?~ mutant [%2 trace]
[%0 u.mutant]
[%11 tag=@ next=*]
=/ next $(formula next.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.next) next
:- %0
.* subject
[11 tag.formula 1 product.next]
[%11 [tag=@ clue=*] next=*]
=/ clue $(formula clue.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.clue) clue
=/ next
=? trace
?=(?(%hunk %hand %lose %mean %spot) tag.formula)
[[tag.formula product.clue] trace]
$(formula next.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.next) next
:- %0
.* subject
[11 [tag.formula 1 product.clue] 1 product.next]
[%12 ref=* path=*]
=/ ref $(formula ref.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.ref) ref
=/ path $(formula path.formula)
?. ?=(%0 -.path) path
=/ result (scry product.ref product.path)
?~ result
[%1 product.path]
?~ u.result
[%2 [%hunk product.ref product.path] trace]
[%0 u.u.result]
++ frag
|= [axis=@ noun=*]
^- (unit)
?: =(0 axis) ~
|- ^- (unit)
?: =(1 axis) `noun
?@ noun ~
=/ pick (cap axis)
%= $
axis (mas axis)
noun ?-(pick %2 -.noun, %3 +.noun)
++ edit
|= [axis=@ target=* value=*]
^- (unit)
?: =(1 axis) `value
?@ target ~
=/ pick (cap axis)
=/ mutant
%= $
axis (mas axis)
target ?-(pick %2 -.target, %3 +.target)
?~ mutant ~
?- pick
%2 `[u.mutant +.target]
%3 `[-.target u.mutant]


> (mink [20 [4 0 1]] ,~)
[%0 product=21]
> (mink [[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]] ,~)
[%0 product=[14 15]]
> (mink [42 12 [0 1] [1 73]] |=(a=^ ``(add (,[@ @] a))))
[%0 product=115]
> (mink [0 12 [1 0] [1 0]] |=(* ~))
[%1 block=0]
> (mink [42 0 2] ,~)
[%2 trace=~]


Compute formula on subject with hint

Produces a toon, which is either a sucessful, blocked, or crashed result. If Nock 12 is invoked, gul computes on the subject and produces a (unit (unit)) result. An empty result becomes a %1 tune, indicating a block.


sub is the subject as a noun.

fol is the formula as a noun.

gul is an %iron gate invoked with nock operator 11.


The unit of a noun.


++ mock
|= [[sub=* fol=*] gul=$-(^ (unit (unit)))]
(mook (mink [sub fol] gul))


> (mock [5 4 0 1] ,~)
[%0 p=6]
> (mock [0 12 [0 1] [0 1]] |=(* ``999))
[%0 p=999]
> (mock [42 12 [0 1] [0 1]] |=(* ~))
[%1 p=42]
> (mock [42 0 2] ,~)
[%2 p=~]


Intelligently render crash annotation

Converts a %2 tone nock stack trace to a list of tank. Each may be a tank, cord, spot, or trapped tank.


ton is a tone.


A toon.


++ mook
|= ton=tone
^- toon
?. ?=([%2 *] ton)
|^ [%2 (turn skip rend)]
++ skip
^+ trace.ton
=/ yel (lent trace.ton)
?. (gth yel 1.024) trace.ton
%+ weld
(scag 512 trace.ton)
^+ trace.ton
:_ (slag (sub yel 512) trace.ton)
:- %lose
(crip "[skipped {(scow %ud (sub yel 1.024))} frames]")
:: +rend: raw stack frame to tank
:: $% [%hunk ref=* path] :: failed scry ([~ ~])
:: [%lose cord] :: skipped frames
:: [%hand *] :: mug any
:: [%mean $@(cord (trap tank))] :: ~_ et al
:: [%spot spot] :: source location
:: ==
++ rend
|= [tag=@ta dat=*]
^- tank
?+ tag
leaf+"mook.{(rip 3 tag)}"
?@ dat leaf+"mook.hunk"
=/ sof=(unit path) ((soft path) +.dat)
?~ sof leaf+"mook.hunk"
(smyt u.sof)
?^ dat leaf+"mook.lose"
leaf+(rip 3 dat)
leaf+(scow %p (mug dat))
?@ dat leaf+(rip 3 dat)
=/ mac (mack dat -.dat)
?~ mac leaf+"####"
=/ sof ((soft tank) u.mac)
?~ sof leaf+"mook.mean"
=/ sof=(unit spot) ((soft spot) dat)
?~ sof leaf+"mook.spot"
:+ %rose [":" ~ ~]
:~ (smyt p.u.sof)
=* l p.q.u.sof
=* r q.q.u.sof
=/ ud |=(a=@u (scow %ud a))
leaf+"<[{(ud p.l)} {(ud q.l)}].[{(ud p.r)} {(ud q.r)}]>"


> (mook [%0 5 4 5 1])
[%0 p=[5 4 5 1]]
> (mook [%2 ~[[%hunk %rose ["<" "," ">"] ~[[%leaf "err"]]]]])
[%2 p=~[[%leaf p="mook.hunk"]]]
> (mook [%2 ~[[%mean |.(>(add 5 6)<)]]])
[%2 p=~[[%leaf p="11"]]]
> (mook [%2 ~[[%spot /b/repl [1 1]^[1 2]] [%mean |.(!!)]]])
[ %2
[ %rose
p=[p=":" q="" r=""]
[ i
[ %rose
p=[p="/" q="/" r=""]
q=[i=[%leaf p="b"] t=[i=[%leaf p="repl"] t=~]]
t=[i=[%leaf p="<[1 1].[1 2]>"] t=~]
[%leaf p="####"]


Typed unitary virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its result in a unit if successful, or a null unit if it crashed. Unitized version of ++mule.


tap is a trap.


A (unit *), where the * will be the type produced by the expression.


++ mole
~/ %mole
|* tap=(trap)
^- (unit _$:tap)
=/ mur (mure tap)
?~(mur ~ `$:tap)


> (mole |.(`@t`(add 50 47)))
[~ 'a']
> (mole |.(~|('Error!' !!)))


Slam gate with sample

Produces a toon computation result from slamming gat with sam, using gul to compute or block on Nock 12 when applicable.


gat is a noun that is generally a gate.

sam is a sample noun.

gul is an %iron gate invoked with nock operator 11.


A toon.


++ mong
|= [[gat=* sam=*] gul=$-(^ (unit (unit)))]
^- toon
?. ?=([* ^] gat) [%2 ~]
(mock [gat(+< sam) %9 2 %0 1] gul)


> (mong [|=(@ 20) ~] ,~)
[%0 p=20]
> (mong [|=(@ !!) ~] ,~)
[%2 p=~]
> (mong [|=(a=@ (add 20 a)) ~] ,~)
[%0 p=20]
> (mong [|=(a=[@ @] (add 20 -.a)) ~] ,~)
[%2 p=~]
> (mong [|=(a=[@ @] (add 20 -.a)) [4 6]] ,~)
[%0 p=24]
> (mong [|=(a=@ .^(* a)) 99] |=(^ ``+<))
[%0 p=[[140 1.853.189.998] 99]]
> (mong [|=(a=@ .^(@ a)) 99] |=([* a=*] ``+((,@ a))))
[%0 p=100]


Typed virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its results or any errors that occur along the way. Used to lazily compute stack traces.


tap is a trap, generally producing a list of tanks.


An (each * (list tank)) - %.y indicates success and %.n indicates a crash.


++ mule
~/ %mule
|* tap=(trap)
=/ mud (mute tap)
?- -.mud
%& [%& p=$:tap]
%| [%| p=p.mud]


> (mule |.((add 1 1)))
[%.y p=2]
> (mule |.(~|(%error !!)))
[%.n p=~[[%leaf p="%error"]]]


Untyped unitary virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its results in a unit which is null if it crashed. The result is just a noun, no type information is preserved.


A trap.


A (unit *).


++ mure
|= tap=(trap)
^- (unit)
=/ ton (mink [tap %9 2 %0 1] |=((pair) ``.*(~ [%12 1+p 1+q])))
?.(?=(%0 -.ton) ~ `product.ton)


> (mure |.(~|(%error !!)))
> (mure |.((add 1 1)))
[~ 2]
> (mure |.('foo'))
[~ 7.303.014]
> ((unit @t) (mure |.('foo')))
[~ 'foo']


Untyped virtual

Kicks a trap, producing its result as a noun or the tanks of any error that occurs. Similar to ++mule, but preserves no type information.


tap is a trap.


A (each * (list tank)), where %.y indicates success and %.n indicates failure.


++ mute
|= tap=(trap)
^- (each * (list tank))
=/ ton (mock [tap %9 2 %0 1] |=((pair) ``.*(~ [%12 1+p 1+q])))
?- -.ton
%0 [%& p.ton]
%1 =/ sof=(unit path) ((soft path) p.ton)
[%| ?~(sof leaf+"mute.hunk" (smyt u.sof)) ~]
%2 [%| p.ton]


> (mute |.(leaf+"hello"))
[%.y p=[1.717.658.988 104 101 108 108 111 0]]
> (mute |.(!!))
[%.n p=~]
> (mute |.(~|(%error !!)))
[%.n p=~[[%leaf p="%error"]]]
> (mute |.((cat 3 'foo' 'bar')))
[%.y p=125.762.588.864.358]


Slam a gate on a sample using raw nock, untyped

Slam gat with sam. Uses a raw .* nock expression internally and does not preserve type information for the result. This will crash if evaluation crashes.


> (slum |=([a=@ b=@] (add a b)) [7 9])
> (slum (cury cat 3) ['foo' 'bar'])
> (@t (slum (cury cat 3) ['foo' 'bar']))
> (slum |=(* !!) 42)
dojo: hoon expression failed


Virtual clam

Clam (mold) noun fud with mold han, producing a unit of the result. The unit is null if clamming failed. This is curried, so the soft-clamming gate can be stored and called repeatedly.


han is a mold.

fud is a noun.


A (unit *), where the * will be the type produced by the mold.


++ soft
|* han=$-(* *)
|=(fud=* (mole |.((han fud))))


> ((soft @t) 97)
[~ 'a']
> ((soft @t) [1 2])
> ((soft ,[@ux @ux]) ['a' 'b'])
[~ [0x61 0x62]]