

A list of requests, their ids, and their current results. These are given in the various initialization updates.


"id": "7e16a2f5-b955-47c3-b921-da349c0e2c24",
"request": {
"ship": "zod",
"turf": "localhost",
"user": "foobar123",
"code": 123456,
"msg": "blah blah blah",
"expire": 1679820698574,
"time": 1679819798574
"result": "yes"
"id": "d63971cc-453f-49a8-868f-02e2ff768ed2",
"request": {
"ship": "zod",
"turf": "localhost",
"user": "xyz",
"code": 123456,
"msg": null,
"expire": 1679820699556,
"time": 1679819799556
"result": "yes"
"id": "587f6be9-1dca-4310-9239-ea541943f0e0",
"request": {
"ship": "zod",
"turf": "localhost",
"user": null,
"code": null,
"msg": "blah blah blah",
"expire": 1679820700233,
"time": 1679819800233
"result": "no"


An array of proofs. This is published at <domain>/.well-known/appspecific/org.urbit.auth.json, and then Auth Client uses it to validate requests.


"turf": "example.com",
"life": 1,
"ship": "zod",
"sign": "jtvkTK0JMizoY12Kw51R11OSKzmtCt2WHB3ev32R+k32O+Y6rJ7jHtrRizm0/0aKwJIO8X5PbDHwdti296XLCQ=="


An attestation that a ship is an agent of a site. An array of such proofs are published at <domain>/.well-known/appspecific/org.urbit.auth.json in a manifest, and then Auth Client uses them to validate requests.


"turf": "example.com",
"life": 1,
"ship": "zod",
"sign": "jtvkTK0JMizoY12Kw51R11OSKzmtCt2WHB3ev32R+k32O+Y6rJ7jHtrRizm0/0aKwJIO8X5PbDHwdti296XLCQ=="


An authorization request. The user, code and msg fields are all optional and may be null if not used. The expire field is the date-time that the request should expire, as milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. The time field is the timestamp of the request - you'd typically use now.


"ship": "zod",
"turf": "example.com",
"user": "foo123",
"code": 1234,
"msg": "blah blah blah",
"expire": 1679820700233,
"time" 1679819800233,
"ship": "zod",
"turf": "example.com",
"user": null,
"code": null,
"msg": null,
"expire": 1679820700233,
"time" 1679819800233,


The status of an authorization request. It may be one of:

  • "yes" - The request was approved.
  • "no" - The request was denied.
  • "expire" - The request expired without the user approving or denying it.
  • "got" - The user's ship received the request, but they have not yet approved or denied it.
  • "sent" - Auth Server has sent the request; the user's ship has not yet confirmed receipt.
  • "abort" - You have given Auth Server a cancel action, so the request has been cancelled.
  • "error" - The request failed. This will occur if the user's ship rejected the request (nack'd the poke) or Auth Server was unable to subscribe to their ship for the result. This should not normally occur.

The typical flow is "sent" -> "got" -> "yes" or "no". At any point in that flow, it may expire in which case you'll get "expire" and nothing further. The transitional states are therefore "sent" and "got", with the remaining being terminal.


An Urbit ship. The ship is a string and does not include the leading ~.




Ed25519 signature of the domain name with the ship's keys, encoded in a string as Base64.

This is used in a proof to attest that a particular ship is an agent of a particular site.




A request ID. The id field is a random unique ID for the request, and must be a v4 UUID (variant 1, RFC 4122/DCE 1.1).

Note this is decoded into a 122-bit @ux atom by %auth-server - the UUID form is only used in JSON, scry paths and subscription paths.




A domain. This must be just the domain like localhost, example.com, foo.bar.baz, etc, without any protocol, forward slashes, port, paths, etc.


Ask Auth Server to either initiate a new authorization request, or cancel an existing one. These are given to Auth Server as pokes.


Initiate a new authorization request. The new action contains a request structure and a request id.


"new": {
"id": "6360904f-7645-4747-91a1-8d7844f11d18",
"request": {
"ship": "zod",
"turf": "localhost",
"user": "foobar123",
"code": 123456,
"msg": "blah blah blah",
"expire": 1679820700233,
"time" 1679819800233


Cancel an existing request. The id in the ID of the request you want to cancel.


{"cancel": {"id": "6360904f-7645-4747-91a1-8d7844f11d18"}}


The types of event/update that Auth Server can send back to you.


This will be sent back to you whenever you make a new request with a new action. It contains the request id, request and initial result. The initial result will typically be sent, unless you specified an expiration time before the current time, in which case it'll be expire.


"entry": {
"id": "6360904f-7645-4747-91a1-8d7844f11d18",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "blah blah blah",
"user": "@user123",
"expire": 1679820700233,
"time" 1679819800233
"result": "sent"


A status update will be sent back whenever the status of a request changes, for example if the user receives the request, the user approves or denies the request, the request expires, etc. It contains a request id and a result.


"status": {
"id": "6360904f-7645-4747-91a1-8d7844f11d18",
"result": "yes"
"status": {
"id": "6360904f-7645-4747-91a1-8d7844f11d18",
"result": "got"


This is sent as the inital update when you first subscribe to one of the /init/all/... paths. It's also returned by some of the scry paths. It contains existing entries, possibly limited to entries before or after a specific timestamp.

It contains a logs field with the entries themselves, and also before and after fields which will either contain Unix millisecond times or else be null if no such limits were specified.


"initAll": {
"since": null,
"before": null,
"logs": [
"id": "0782ebea-e8d3-4c6a-bf1c-5c336c82a0d3",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "blah blah",
"user": "foobar123",
"expire": 1679827515744,
"time": 1679826615744
"result": "yes"
"id": "4c54c5d9-6584-4d3b-ab62-e55f5f2033c4",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "foo bar baz",
"user": null,
"expire": 1679827571421,
"time": 1679826671421
"result": "no"


This is sent as the inital update when you first subscribe to one of the /init/turf/... paths. It's also returned by some of the scry paths. It contains existing entries for a specific turf (domain), possibly limited to entries before or after a specific timestamp.

It contains a turf field showing which domain it's for, a logs field with the entries themselves, and also before and after fields which will either contain Unix millisecond timestamps or else be null if no such limits were specified.


"initTurf": {
"turf": "localhost",
"since": null,
"before": null,
"logs": [
"id": "0782ebea-e8d3-4c6a-bf1c-5c336c82a0d3",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "blah blah",
"user": "foobar123",
"expire": 1679827515744,
"time": 1679826615744
"result": "yes"
"id": "4c54c5d9-6584-4d3b-ab62-e55f5f2033c4",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "foo bar baz",
"user": null,
"expire": 1679827571421,
"time": 1679826671421
"result": "no"


This is sent as the inital update when you first subscribe to one of the /init/ship/... paths. It's also returned by some of the scry paths. It contains existing entries for a specific ship, possibly limited to entries before or after a specific timestamp.

It contains a ship field showing which ship it's for, a logs field with the entries themselves, and also before and after fields which will either contain Unix millisecond timestamps or else be null if no such limits were specified.


"initShip": {
"ship": "zod",
"since": null,
"before": null,
"logs": [
"id": "0782ebea-e8d3-4c6a-bf1c-5c336c82a0d3",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "blah blah",
"user": "foobar123",
"expire": 1679827515744,
"time": 1679826615744
"result": "yes"
"id": "4c54c5d9-6584-4d3b-ab62-e55f5f2033c4",
"request": {
"code": 123456,
"turf": "localhost",
"ship": "zod",
"msg": "foo bar baz",
"user": null,
"expire": 1679827571421,
"time": 1679826671421
"result": "no"