
Here we'll look at a simple example of fetching a remote HTTP resource with Iris. We'll use the following thread, which you can save in the /ted directory of your %base desk:


/- spider
/+ strandio
=, strand=strand:spider
^- thread:spider
|= arg=vase
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
=/ url=@t (need !<((unit @t) arg))
=/ =request:http [%'GET' url ~ ~]
=/ =task:iris [%request request *outbound-config:iris]
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass /http-req %arvo %i task]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card:strandio card)
;< res=(pair wire sign-arvo) bind:m take-sign-arvo:strandio
?. ?=([%iris %http-response %finished *] q.res)
(strand-fail:strand %bad-sign ~)
~& +.q.res
?~ full-file.client-response.q.res
(strand-fail:strand %no-body ~)
(pure:m !>(`@t`q.data.u.full-file.client-response.q.res))

This thread takes a fully qualified URL in a @t as an argument. It will ask Iris to fetch the HTTP resource at the given URL by passing it a %request task containing an HTTP GET $request:http:

=/ url=@t (need !<((unit @t) arg))
=/ =request:http [%'GET' url ~ ~]
=/ =task:iris [%request request *outbound-config:iris]
=/ =card:agent:gall [%pass /http-req %arvo %i task]

In this example, our request:http specifies no additional headers and has no body so it has a ~ for each of those fields. Of course in practice if you have headers or data you want to send you would include those.

Our thread will take the %http-response gift that comes back from Iris and debug print it to the terminal so you can have a look at the structure, and then it will cast the body of the HTTP message to a @t and print it.

Let's try it out:

> -iris-thread 'http://example.com'
[ %http-response
[ %finished
[ status-code=200
[key='age' value='212909']
[key='cache-control' value='max-age=604800']
[key='content-type' value='text/html; charset=UTF-8']
[key='date' value='Thu, 24 Jun 2021 04:12:13 GMT']
[key='expires' value='Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:12:13 GMT']
[key='last-modified' value='Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:18:26 GMT']
[key='server' value='ECS (oxr/8328)']
[key='vary' value='Accept-Encoding']
[key='x-cache' value='HIT']
[key='content-length' value='1256']
[ ~
[ type='text/html; charset=UTF-8'
[ p=1.256
224.708.415.080.409.844.273.808.970.700.472.455.882.111.359.8(...truncated for brevity)

...and here's the data from the HTTP response cast to a @t:

'<!doctype html>\0a<html>\0a<head>\0a <title>Example Domain</title>\0a\0a (...truncated for brevity)'