Scry Reference

Here are all of Eyre's scry endpoints. There's not too many and they mostly deal with either CORS settings or aspects of the state of connections.

The first few have a care of x and are a scry like .^([type] %ex /=//=/[some-path]) (note the empty desk). The rest have no care and the tag replaces the desk like .^([type] %e /=[something]=).

All examples are run from the dojo.


An x scry with a path of /cors will return Eyre's CORS origin registry. The type returned is a cors-registry which contains the sets of approved, rejected and requested origins.


> .^(cors-registry:eyre %ex /=//=/cors)
[ requests={~~http~3a.~2f.~2f.baz~.example}


An x scry with a path of /cors/requests will return the set of pending origin requests. These are origins that were in an Origin: ... HTTP header but weren't in the existing approved or rejected sets. The type returned is a (set origin:eyre).


> .^(requests=(set origin:eyre) %ex /=//=/cors/requests)


An x scry with a path of /cors/approved will return the set of approved CORS origins. The type returned is a (set origin:eyre).


> .^(approved=(set origin:eyre) %ex /=//=/cors/approved)


An x scry whose path is /cors/approved/[origin] tests whether the given origin URL is in the approved set of the CORS registry. The type returned is a simple ?.

The origin URL is a @t, but since @t may not be valid in a path, it must be encoded in a @ta using +scot like (scot %t 'foo') rather than just 'foo'.


> .^(? %ex /=//=/cors/approved/(scot %t 'http://foo.example'))
> .^(? %ex /=//=/cors/approved/(scot %t 'http://bar.example'))


An x scry with a path of /cors/rejected will return the set of rejected CORS origins. The type returned is a (set origin:eyre).


> .^(rejected=(set origin:eyre) %ex /=//=/cors/rejected)


An x scry whose path is /cors/rejected/[origin] tests whether the given origin URL is in the rejected set of the CORS registry. The type returned is a simple ?.

The origin URL must be a cord-encoded @t rather than just the plain @t, so you'll have to do something like (scot %t 'foo') rather than just 'foo'.


> .^(? %ex /=//=/cors/rejected/(scot %t 'http://bar.example'))
> .^(? %ex /=//=/cors/rejected/(scot %t 'http://foo.example'))


An x scry whose path is /authenticated/cookie/[cookie] tests whether the given cookie is currently valid. The type returned is a ?.

The cookie must be the full cookie including the urbauth-{SHIP}= part. The cookie must be a knot-encoded @t rather than just a plain @t, so you'll have to do something like (scot %t 'foo') rather than just 'foo'.


> .^(? %ex /=//=/authenticated/cookie/(scot %t 'urbauth-~zod=0vvndn8.bfsjj.j3614.k40ha.8fomi'))
> .^(? %ex /=//=/authenticated/cookie/(scot %t 'foo'))


An %x /cache scry will return the cached value for the given [url] at the given [aeon] if it exists.

The [url] must be a knot-encoded @t rather than just a plain @t, so you'll have to do something like (scot %t 'foo') rather than just 'foo'.


A scry with bindings in place of the desk in the beak will return Eyre's URL path bindings. The type returned is a (list [binding:eyre duct action:eyre]) (see the $binding & $action sections of the Data Types document for details).


> .^((list [binding:eyre duct action:eyre]) %e /=bindings=)
[ [site=~ path=<|~landscape js bundle|>]
~[/gall/use/file-server/0w2.EijQB/~zod/~landscape/js/bundle /dill //term/1]
[%app app=%file-server]
[ [site=~ path=<|~landscape|>]
~[/gall/use/file-server/0w2.EijQB/~zod/~landscape /dill //term/1]
[%app app=%file-server]
...(truncated for brevity)...


A scry with connections in place of the desk in the beak will return all open HTTP connections that aren't fully complete. The type returned is a (map duct outstanding-connection:eyre) (see the $outstanding-connection section of the Data Types document for details).


> .^((map duct outstanding-connection:eyre) %e /=connections=)


A scry with authentication-state in place of the desk in the beak will return authentication details of all current sessions. The type returned is a $authentication-state. The p field is the cookie sans the urbauth-[ship]= part.


> .^(authentication-state:eyre %e /=authentication-state=)
{ [ p=0v3.kags1.hj7hm.6llrl.cga2j.eh1r7
q=[expiry-time=~2021.5.20..08.44.27..39e0 channels={}]


A scry with channel-state in place of the desk in the beak will return details of the state of each channel. The type returned is a channel-state.


> .^(channel-state:eyre %e /=channel-state=)
[ session
{ [ p='1601844290-ae45b'
[ state=[%.y p=[date=~2021.5.13..20.44.27..39e0 duct=~[//http-server/0v2.kmj6q/26/1]]]
events={[id=0 request-id=2 channel-event=[%poke-ack p=~]]}


A scry with host in place of the desk in the beak will return host details of the ship. The type returned is a hart:eyre.


> .^(hart:eyre %e /=host=)
[p=%.n q=[~ 8.080] r=[%.y p=<|localhost|>]]